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Inspection Ica
In Agroindustrial Don Eusebio we have our proper area to perform the inspection of Ica, this area is responsible for monitoring diseases in our flowers in order that the final product leaves in perfect condition.
The flower has a review cycle before leaving for export, the Ica inspection area meets a specific requirement for the review, the first thing we do is that the flower loader lowers the baskets in our inspection room, our staff is qualified in the area, begins the review of the bunches, the first thing that is analyzed is that the heads are all at the same height, double shaking is performed to know the number of mites or thrips that the flower registers, it is analyzed that the stems are thick, are straight and have no abuse in their leaves; All flowers with diseases or imperfections are sent to the national flower room, which means that they are not approved for export.
Our Farm
Agroindustrial Don Eusebio SAS, is located in the north of Bogota, 40 minutes from El Dorado airport, our main office is near the presidential residence and the Jaime Duque park which is well known for its natural environment and architectural works.
Additionally we have the privilege of having the Bogota River near our farms where this water source is efficiently managed. We plant trees native to the area such as cedar, beech, cirrus, among others, which allows the preservation of birds in their natural habitat.
We have 2 headquarters, one located in the municipality of Suesca and our main headquarters located in Sopo, our farm is focused on the production of Carnation, Mini Carnation, and Green Ball.

In Agroindustrial Don Eusebio, since the year two thousand eighteen we have implemented a flower loading system called cable way for the transportation of our flowers. This system is made up of a “Flexible – Mobile” steel cable in a closed loop and a series of steel structural elements such as support towers, change of direction elements, power units, which by means of rotating pulleys allow the cable to move and the internal transport of the load through the furrows.
This system is characterized by being installed between the different areas that comprise our farm, with a design according to the characteristics of the crop and is set to maximize the evacuation of our flowers to the post-harvest place where the flower dispatch is generated.
Before implementing this system, our farm thought about its benefits, among which we find.
- Minimize the loss of the flower at the moment of loading.
- Reduction of time at the time of collection and transportation outside the crop, which reduces costs and generates value by arriving faster to the post-harvest.
- Less physical effort on the part of the operators, reducing the physical demand that degenerates the health of the employees, reducing costs due to occupational health problems, creating a healthy work environment with less physical wear and tear.
Sales and Marketing Department

This is the area that has direct contact with customers and where flower orders are received. There are customers in several countries: Korea, Japan, England, Holland, Spain, Canada and the United States. Customers send their orders via email, Skype or Whatsapp and the salesperson in charge of the account reviews the flower availability, confirms the order by the same means, and is responsible for entering it into the system, from where it is taken by the Postharvest and Logistics areas to prepare the boxes requested and coordinate the delivery to the transport company that takes the flower to the cargo agency located at the airport in Bogota.